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Illuminating Journeys: Exploring Creativity, Expression, and Transformation with So Much Light

May 13, 2023 5 min read

Illuminating Journeys: Exploring Creativity, Expression, and Transformation with So Much Light

Welcome to So Much Light a place where creativity, inspiration and expression come together to illuminate the world. Thanks for taking the time to visit my site and to hear about my journey!


The name So Much Light stands for inner revolution, by creating art and design that speaks to humanity's potential So Much Light seeks to inspire and empower individuals to make conscious and meaningful decisions. The process of creation involves amalgamation of art, poetry and symbols that evoke deep thought and contemplation the mission is to create harmony between the physical and non-physical aspects of ourselves recognising that true change starts from within. However So Much Light also believes that it's imperative to have fun and appreciate life's beauty along the way

I invite you to join me on this journey to transform ourselves and the world around us

Let me take you back to a point in time from where it all began. Picture a curious 10-year-old full of questions and a yearning for knowledge this young soul never quite fit into the mould of traditional schooling disliking the confines of classrooms and books. During recess while other children ran and played he found solace in a quiet corner of the school corridor from there he observed the bustling crowd wondering when the day would come when he could freely express himself and break free from it all, speaking was not his strong suit but he found comfort in drawing, even on answer sheets when faced with unanswered questions. The movements and actions of the world around him left him confused and at times uncomfortable yet he lacked the words to describe this feeling

From a tender age he was drawn to art and the sculptures of great artists from history he would attempt to replicate their works from books in the school library and those he stumbled upon in old bookshops the night sky also captivated him igniting his imagination with thoughts of outer space and distant star systems his grandparents played a significant role in nurturing this passion. He found solace in gardens, losing himself among the various plants, flowers, their scents, and colours. He carried a bag filled with all sorts of trinkets he had collected from his travels with family or ventures with his trusted friends these treasures would later find new life in his creations this young creator found solace in his art, experimentation, and the act of making.

image 1. childhood drawings saved by my mother

As he grew older his exploration of the world continued, however with age came a myriad of questions, perceptions and emotional ebbs and flows the more he tried to understand the world the stranger it seemed this led to intense inner struggles that impacted both his relationships with the world and his own well-being he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss in this place. To him people seemed like complete worlds unto themselves moving and acting without awareness of the impact of their thoughts and actions there was no collective coherence and this weighed heavily on him making him feel overwhelmingly sad and helpless. Often considered a misfit in certain societies he found solace in the few kind souls who spent time with him without judgment their acts of kindness gave him strength and helped him see the immense potential in everything around him

image 2. more childhood drawings saved by my mother

One fateful day exhausted and seeking respite he retreated to his room to sleep It was then that he had his first out-of-body experience (Astral projection) In order to make sense of this newfound level of information he delved deeper into topics such as spirituality, meditation, astral projection, ancient cultures, extraterrestrial life, archetypes, space, science, mysticism, dreams, and contemplation. For him books were great allies but he gave more importance to his personal first hand experiences. While he enjoyed his solitude, his discoveries and his creations he often shared his ideas with his family even if they didn't always understand or agree. They were always there to offer support and love especially his parents and brother who listened attentively and encouraged him to continue his work. His mother in particular made sure to preserve all his childhood achievements a gesture for which he will be forever grateful

Everything changed when his father gifted him a journal with this simple tool he began documenting his dreams, spiritual experiences, and other valuable information this opened up a new level of creativity and self-expression for him


Looking back on it all I now realise the profound impact that art and journaling have had on my life. They are powerful tools for authentic self-expression and healing, both physically and emotionally. If you struggle with stress, depression or anxiety they can offer solace and relief they also serve as a means of spreading spiritual knowledge and provide entertainment. Documenting my dreams and premonitions has greatly aided me in my work and has highlighted the importance of these tools in our personal growth, well-being and creative endeavours they help us empty our minds of cluttered information making space for new ideas and inspiration

Here at So much light you can find a collection of authentic visionary acrylic on canvas paintings, art prints and high-quality streetwear that is designed to make a conscious statement. All clothing is made with attention to detail and showcases unique designs that will set you apart from the crowd, I believe that fashion is a form of self-expression and so the streetwear is designed to inspire wearers to embrace their individuality and showcase their personal style

I make my products in limited batches ensuring that each piece is unique and exclusive

I make my paintings with a vision to inspire and uplift, each brushstroke is infused with passion and creativity resulting in captivating healing and thought-provoking art also its a medium which acts as a bridge between the physcial and non physcial information as well as the conscious, subconscious and unconscious states

But that's not all! I also have a blog here where I will share insightful and engaging posts on topics related to spirituality, art and fashion. My blog is a space for inspiration, education and exploration. Whether you're seeking guidance on your spiritual journey, looking for art related tips and tricks or interested in streetwear my blog posts will keep you well informed and entertained

So, if you're ready to immerse yourself in a world of creativity, self-expression, fun and inspiration join me at So much light. Explore the collection, discover the blog and embrace your individuality through visionary artwork, conscious streetwear and informative content. Experience the power of art, fashion, and spirituality coming together in one place


Much love,

So much light



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